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V3 Pocket Bellows

V3 Pocket Bellows

Regular price $14.03 USD
Regular price $14.99 USD Sale price $14.03 USD
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For years we've used a tube to concentrate our breath as a means of fanning a flame into an inferno in the blink of an eye. However, while the aluminum arrow shafts that we used worked great at home next to the wood stove, they weren't very convenient to pack in the kind of length that made them most effective. We were absolutely delighted to see someone making a telescoping version for just such an application and knew we had to carry them. This lightweight and compact telescoping tube allows you to concentrate your breath on the very heart of the fire, all without singeing your eyebrows in the process! You'll wonder how you ever got by without it.  Collapses from 21" to 3 and 1/2" and weighs just 3/4 of an ounce!


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